Medical assistants and medical scribes might often seem similar. However, they do not have that much in common. The tasks of medical assistants cover a much wider area than those of a medical scribe. This is why the agenda of this article is medical assistant vs. medical scribe. Want to learn the difference? Then continue reading!
Who is a medical assistant vs. what does a medical scribe do?
The key to understanding the difference between medical assistants and medical scribes is to realize what their tasks are. So, who is a medical assistant and a medical scribe?
A medical scribe deals with documentation. They record the examinations done by the physicians and help with the workflow. However, medical scribes do not engage in direct contact with the patient and do not perform clinical tasks.
Medical assistants, on the other hand, do engage with the patient and perform simple clinical tasks. Similarly to the medical scribes, they often have to complete documentation. Apart from that, they administer medication, prepare the patients for examination and do simple laboratory tests.
Medical assistant vs. medical scribe – what’s the difference
The main difference is that a medical scribe does a medical administration job, while a medical assistant performs some clinical tasks and does not work with documentation as often as a medical scribe.
Another key difference is the certification. Since medical assistants do perform clinical tasks, they are required to complete a different program than medical scribes. The latter also need to complete a special course, however they do not need any prior medical experience.
Thirdly, there is the case of direct contact. Medical scribes do not engage with the patients. They are there in the physician’s office, they record the whole examination, however their work does not include any interaction with the patients. Medical assistants are expected to interact – their role is between the one of a nurse and of a medical scribe.
When it comes to the place of work, there is also a difference. Virtual medical scribes perform their tasks remotely. While it is not yet a standard in the industry, such a possibility exists. Medical assistants need to be present in the physician’s office – they are there to physically help with examination, tests and treatments.
Medical assistants vs. medical scribes – quick comparison
Here is a quick comparison of medical assistants vs. medical scribes:
Medical Assistant |
Medical Scribe |
Role |
Simple documentation tasks, aiding the physician during examination, administering medicine, doing simple tests |
Documenting patient encounters real-time, ensuring that documents meet the regulations |
Contact with patient |
Direct |
Indirect |
Location |
Onsite |
Onsite or remote |
Difference Between Medical Assistant and Medical Scribing - Final thoughts
Medical assistant and medical scribes are two significantly different jobs. Yes, both professions require handling some administrative tasks, however the latter focus purely on documentation while the former have clinical duties. Nevertheless, both of these jobs might be good to gain experience in healthcare – a crucial advantage while trying to get into medical school.
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