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Oct 24, 2023

Telescribe Tuesday: Meet Jenica McCoy,Every Tuesday in October

This week on Telescribe Tuesday we are very excited to have a conversation with Jenica McCoy who is the Operations Ambassador for Telescribe and has been with the company since 2020. Here is what Jenica had to say.



What is your overall experience in the scribing industry?


I became a Telescribe during the height of Covid-19 in 2020. Prior to this, I was a medical scribe in a local Emergency Department, but the hospital discontinued scribe services due to the pandemic. I was transferred between a few different Telehealth sites once I started here, until settling at the current program I am at.



What are your future career goals?


I would like to continue to work in medicine as a Physician Assistant.




What does a Day In The Life look like for you?

An average day in my life as a Telescribe and Ambassador starts by logging in early to either complete or check on pre-charting (I usually like to listen to music, a podcast, or a show while I'm prepping charts). After that, I might meet with a trainee before clinic starts to discuss expectations for the day and to go over any questions they may have or anything I feel we need to go over. We log into the provider's Zoom, and we spend the day with them as they work through their patient schedule. If I am with a trainee, I take notes on how they are doing to go over with them later. If it's a clinic currently in the early implementation / workflow mapping stage, I instead take notes on how I'm doing and any feedback the provider has, and I'll later use this information to update and refine the preferences sheet. When the clinic day is over, I may spend time answering questions, writing down feedback, working on a preferences sheet, reviewing signed notes, or sending emails before logging out.



Why did you choose to come work for ScribeAmerica?


I remember seeing adverts for ScribeAmerica while I was in undergrad, and it seemed like a perfect opportunity to gather more clinical experience and to work with healthcare professionals directly.




What is one thing you have learned since being in the Telehealth Department that will help you prepare for your future career goals?



While working in Telehealth, I've been able to learn a lot of niche things about a lot of different specialties. I think that the most important thing I've learned, though, is how to work with someone else to figure out how they can best learn what they need to know to be successful.



What would you say to a candidate who may not want to do Telescribe because they won’t be “in-person” at a facility?


Both onsite and remote positions have their benefits and drawbacks. If someone was hesitating to become a Telescribe, I would suggest they weigh these factors. It can be difficult to feel connected to the experience while attending a clinic using online Telehealth tools rather than being there physically, but Telescribing offers unmatched opportunities for efficiency and flexibility for a scribe. I would especially recommend scribing remotely for students who need to work around a class schedule.



If you are interested in learning more about our Telescribe program for one of our current employees, we host weekly information sessions that you can register to attend by filling out this form. If you are interested in working as a Telescribe, you are able to apply here and someone from the team will be in touch with you! We hope you enjoy this series and come back each week to see all of this exciting information. Our Telescribe program really does offer a fun and unique experience to work from home, gain medical experience, build connections in healthcare, all while getting paid! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

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