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Nov 10, 2023

4 Best Part-Time Medical Jobs

Whether you’re trying to increase your chances of getting into medical school, or simply looking for a healthcare-related source of income, you need a medical part-time job. But, with so many openings, do you know which one to choose? We will discuss it in this article, and present our ranking of the best medical part-time jobs – read on if you are interested.

Our Ranking of the Best Part-Time Jobs for Medical Students

So, what can you do to earn some additional income and work in healthcare as well? There’s a plethora of options, both remote and onsite. Let’s look at our list of the 4 best medical part-time jobs.



1. Medical Scribe

The first on our list is the medical scribe. This role is known for its flexibility (you may look for both full-time and part-time openings), excellent first-hand experience in healthcare, and a great opportunity to make first contacts among medical professionals. Adding to that how easy it is to get a job as a medical scribe, it’s the perfect medical part-time job for pre-med students.

2. Home Health Aide

While you might find part-time medical jobs with better pay, home health aide is an excellent opportunity to gather experience. By working with the elderly or other physically impaired patients, you can learn what problems they need to overcome on a daily basis, see patient care in a wider perspective, and prepare for your future responsibilities. We especially recommend this part-time job to those who wish to become nurses.

3. Medical Assistant

While you need special training and a license to start working as a medical assistant, you might want to consider this career. Why is medical assistant worth it? It all can be broken down into two aspects: the part-time nature of the job and the decent pay. If you feel that becoming a full-time physician (or rather an overtime physician since that’s the case usually) is not for you, but you want to follow a career in healthcare, this will be an excellent choice.

4. Care Navigator

You may also try working as a care navigatorThis role is all about patients – helping them navigate through the healthcare system by assisting them, appointing visits, and communicating with healthcare providers. The requirements for this job are fairly easy to meet and the role itself gives you an opportunity to learn the healthcare system inside out – we strongly recommend it for those who plan to pursue a medical administrative career.

The Takeaway

So, we’ve presented an overview of the 4 best medical part-time jobs – which one did you find most intriguing? Obviously, there are many other options, yet we believe that these are the jobs that you will strongly benefit from, either immediately or in the future.

And, if you prefer to work full-time instead, check out our article on the best medical 9 to 5 remote jobs.

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